. The electronic circuit implement the various logic operations are called logic gates.the elec…
P-N Junction . If the hostel of Germanium or silicon is growth in such a way that its one half …
Magnetic Properties Of Solids . Bar magnets and moving charges I, e, current produces a magneti…
Classification Of Solids The solids are classified in the following types; . Crystalline solids…
Experiments Of Produce Induced EMF And Current . Relative motion of the loop and the magnet pr…
. Avo matter is an electrical instrument which can measure the current in a mperes,Potential di…
. Electric field lion is an imaginary line on which of freed small test charge moves in an elec…
Amplitude Modulation . Speech and music are transmitted hundreds of kilometers away by a radio t…
. The electromagnetic waves are generated when electrical or magnetic flux is changing through a…
Three Phase A.C. Supply one phase A.C. Supply: In one p…