. Avo matter  is an electrical instrument which can measure the current in a mperes,Potential
difference in voltage and resistance in ahms. Avo matter basically consists  of a sensitive moving
cail galvanometer which can be converted into a:

. Multirange Amita by connecting a current measuring circle with it.
. Multirange voltmeter by connecting about measuring circuit with it
. Multirange ohmme ter by connecting Resistance wedding circuit with it.
. For this purpose, a switch called the function which is used. FS is the function selector switch, which connects the galvanometer with the relevant meaning circuit. following parts describe the working of AVO  meter.
. The world measuring part of a v o metre is of multi range voltmeter. it consists of a number of resistances each of which is connected in series with the moving coil galvanometer with the help of which which is called range switch. the value of each resistance depends upon the range of voltmeter, which is controlled; these serious resistance are called multi colours. we can measure AC volt with a v o metre. for the purpose, AC is first converted into DC and then mired. . Yes for this AC is a first converted into DC and then measured. the current Mehreen part of a v o metre is multi range ammeter. it consists of a number of low resistance connected in parallel with the galvanometer. the value of these resistance depends upon the range of ammeter. this circuit also has range selection switch off or which is used to select the particular range. . The resistance bearing part of a VM is multi range ohm metre. it consists of a battery of EMF volt and a variable resistance are connected in series with the Galvanometer of resistance r. when the functions which is switched to be position. X, then the circuit is connected with x, why terminals, of a v o metre.
. Before marrying the unknown resistance by 0h ammeter it is first zeroed which means that we short circuit has terminal x,y and adjust or to produce full scale deflection. . It is an electric instrument instrument which is used to measure current, resistance and volte in a circuit. the important features of digital multimeter:
. it is digital version of anavo metre.
. it is very accurate device it is much effort to read. . it removes the reading error. . hit shows the digital value with decimal point, polarity and the unit of we, A or ahm.
