The electronic circuit implement the various logic operations are called logic gates.the electronscircuit that makes the logic dicided is called logic gate.These are the basic building block of digital circuit.In this gates high low states.I.e.. 1 and 0 states are represented by a certain voltage level.Ideally a particular voltage level represented
 A high 1 and another voltage level represents low 0.Rang of high 1 and low 0 levels.High 1 can be any one voltage between specified minimum or maximun value.If voltage of 3.5V is applied to a gate,it will accept it as high or 1,as shown in figure.Low 0 can be any voltage between specified minimum and maximum values.
If voltage if 0.5V is applied,the gate will recognize it as 0 ar low,as shown in figure.Or gate any or all gate.It is any or all gate.It gives an output 1 for either of two inputs or both inputs 1.It performs the or operation.It has two or more then two inputs but a single putput.Let an or gate has  two inputs and A and B single putput X.
If one of the input is at 1 then input is also at 1 otherwise zero.Mathematically.And Gate.It is all or nothing gate.It gives and output 1 for both two outputs and a single output.It has two or more then two inputs and a single input.It is designed such that it performs the and operation.So output X is 1 only when A and B inputs are at logic.
. 1 and for all other combinations the output X is zero.Mathmecailly,Not Gate,It is called not gate because its putput is not same as its output.It gives an output if 1 for an input is zero.It performs the operation of inversion.That is why it is also known as inverter.It changes the logic level to its oppsite level.Its sumbolical representation is shown in figure.
. Bar shows that the value if variable has been inverted.The bubble shows the inversion operation.Mathemacially,for an input A,Noe gate the combination if not and or gate,is called noe gate.It performs the inverted operation of or.It gives and output 1 when all its inputs anre 0.Mathmecailly,Nad gate.
The combination of not and and gate,is called nand gate.It performs the invertd operation of and.It gives and output 1 for either but not both of inputs 1 or both inputs are 0.Mathematically,It is gives the second term of funtion X is two variables A and B such as,The first term of function is not of a anded with B.